Sitemap - 2020 - Five Things I Ate

The procrastinator’s gift guide 🎁

The dark days of gingerbread πŸŽ„

Fancy French toast and cheap brioche πŸ₯–

The β€œOnly-the-Good-Stuff” mini Thanksgiving menu πŸ¦ƒ

The cozy beverage and creepy basements edition

These are a few of my favorite things 🎢

Have a warm cup of coffee β˜•οΈ

Five things I hate 😾

Internet controversy chicken πŸ“

The cozy fall bakes and roasts edition πŸ‚

Little plum cakes and other things 🌸

The rugelach review, and some $20 wine πŸ₯

A choose-your-own pasta adventure 🍝

Still life with cockroach πŸ›*

In which we slaughter the Tomato King πŸ…

Rumspringa in New York πŸŒ‡

Pandemic meal prep: The salsa verde edition 🌢

Champagne on a Tuesday 🍾

And so our hero sets out alone πŸŽ’

Mango ice cream and mocktails πŸ₯­

A field guide to the Asian food mart 🍰

Milk buns and a box o’ banchan 🍞

One thing I ate: Pineapple buns!🍍

The Popsicle edition 🍾

Here’s to life 🍡

Winner, winner meatball dinner 🍝

Let's make a party cake

Brunch at home 🏑

Mama’s scallion pancakes πŸ₯ž

Let me tell you about my Sourdough Son

Let's keep sourdough starters as pets

Five Asian restaurants you can support πŸ₯‘ ❀️

Takeout in the time of Coronavirus

Letters from quarantine*

Post punk cupcake adventures 🧁

It's showtime! πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ

Olive oil in everything 🧁

The ABC’s of Asian Bakery Cake

Emergency fruit tart πŸ“

The (mostly) liquid edition

A salute to Chinese bakery cake

Death by office fruitcake